For the 2 tasks, make an audio recording (using a smart phone or recording program on your computer). When making the recording, please keep the following in mind:
- Please do not spend time preparing your answer before making the recording. Do not take any notes or read out sentences you have written. This is a snapshot of your current language level rather than a test.
- Try to speak for the entire time mentioned for each task to give us sufficient audio material to assess your level.
When you have finished the recording, save it with the following format: FirstNameLastName-Task# (e.g., JoeSmith-Task2.mp3). Then send the recorded files to us via:
- WhatsApp to +92-310-9777720 or
- Email to (since the files can be quite large, you can share it via services such as OneDrive, Dropbox or WeTransfer)
Task 1 - Introduction (2 minutes)
Please introduce yourself. Here are some ideas you can talk about: Name, Country, Languages, Job, Family, Hobbies
Task 2 - Picture Description (4 minutes)
Look at the picture below and then make a 4-minute audio recording describing and commenting on the picture.
For lower levels: It is okay to just use isolated words or phrases, e.g., “There is a boy. The sky is blue. I like this picture.”
For higher levels: Try to not only describe what you see, but also comment on it.